Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Char siew, beef tendon and categorizing man

Char siew pork and rice
Today's Food Diary
Breakfast: Rolled oats with kiwifruit and linseeds
Dinner: Vegetable soup, pickled beetroot
Baking/sweets: None

Char siew/char siu pork is one of those “love at first sight” dishes. It is hard not to love slices of pork glistening with char siewy goodness, unless you don’t eat pork. In addition to good looks char siew pork possesses other desired characteristics we look for in a loved one – tenderness and a balance between sweet, salty, spicy and tangy. And it is simple to make. I don’t know why I don’t cook it more often.

Today's Favourite Photo
Beef tendon Kumamoto oyster tacos - interesting looking and sounding dish

Today's Favourite Blog
A very interesting article about what a man's dining style reveals about his approach to love. According to the article all man can be placed into one of ten categories. A few highlights:
  • Transfat type who prefer fast, frozen, fried and salty snacks. Romantic meal means sharing a supersized pizza in front of the television while the little woman fetches his beers, ala Homer Simpson
  • The Steak-and-Two-Veg kind is the dining traditionalist who loves meat and potatoes and will take his date to a reliable mom-and-pop or chain restaurant for a hearty meal. He is reliable and also the marrying kind
  • The culinary con man thinks he knows all about wine, restaurants and cooking, using all sorts of tricks to bring the date back to his place. “All talk and little technique.”
 I wonder if woman can be categorised as well.
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  1. Of course we can't! It's the contradictions in us that make us so inherently fascinating :). Thank you for the reminder of the appeal of char siu - now I'm instantly craving it.

  2. Oh char siew. Truly deliciously beautiful stuff.

  3. Love the look of the char siew - delicious!

  4. tori: it seems 10 categories will not be enough in that case:)
    Joanne: 'oh char siew! - it rhymes:)
    Gourmet Chick: thank you, yes it does look delicious

  5. That char siew looks like my post today called Tocino. Its nearly the same taste as well without the salty part.

  6. penny: thanks for visiting. I totally agree with you, it is yummy
