Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Bacon for your nose

Butternut snap cookies
Food Diary (January 25, 2012)
Breakfast: Rolled oats with coconut, bananas, sunflower seeds and flax seeds
Lunch: Black bean pilaf
Dinner: Carrot salad, spinach and spaghetti

The Chocolate fig cake only managed to survive 2 days in the freezer. Today I decided to release it from its cold cell. I ate is cold, straight from the freezer, it was very delicious. I think I will make it again this week. The recipe is available here.

Black bean pilaf

Today's Favourite Photo
Source: Sparklette
Smoked duck breast

Today’s Favourite Blog
This is weird and perhaps welcoming news for some. Cured salt pork such as bacon is a cure for nosebleed. 

The bad news is that to fix nosebleed one is not required to eat bacon. Simply stuffing a piece of bacon up the bloody nostril will fix it. Raw "cured salt pork" is an effective nasal tampon. It works especially well for treating certain conditions that lead to chronic nosebleeds.

This method was long considered a folk remedy, with medical professionals only intermittently recommending it. Stuffing bacon up your nose might not replace pinching it and tilting your head back as a first line of defense against bloody noses. But if that doesn't work, and you realize you have some extra bacon lying around, the bacon method might be worth trying out the next time you have a nosebleed.

Note that cured salt pork is required. Not all bacon may be salt cured pork.

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  1. You are amazing with all the information you find - and it's always interesting - and funny! that duck looks incredible.
    Mary x

  2. I think I would rather just eat the bacon.

  3. Or whatever is at hand, I guess. It's probably someone who just grabbed the nearest thing he could for his bleeding nose and when asked about it, had to concoct this reason in order to not look stupid. :D Just my take.
    Are we changing name to 3 X 2 cookies?

    1. Thats probably what happened. We wouldn't normally think of stuffing bacon up our noses unless it was the only option I guess! Could have been chilli - worse?
      I thought about the name change - I think I will keep the name for now and also try to manage cookie intake:)

  4. Interesting but I'd rather have bacon on a plate with eggs than up my nose! Your pilaf looks amazing.

  5. Excellent! I love such folk remedies (as long as they work). Recently someone I know was advised to put squashed cabbage leaves on swollen aching legs and apparently it works perfectly well (especially since the person doesn't work because). The advisor was a young orthopedist who said it was better than stuffing oneself with pills. I wish more doctors had such wide horizons...

    1. Thats a strange remedy - using cabbage - good that it works. Cheap plus you can eat the cabbage afterwards:)
      Such remedies are great, some are psychological, but at least it works

  6. Haha, that's one interesting way to stop nose bleeds! There are lots of incredible uses/remedies for edible food and even non edible plants that we are not aware of and when I think about it, it's really a shame as all these useful information gets lost through time and not passed on to future generations.

    1. It is such a shame when the good ones are lost. I can't think of any myself at the moment but remember my parents knowing a few

  7. All the pics, yours and the one of the yummy. Gee, almost wish I had nosebleed now to have an excuse to put bacon up my nose :-S

    1. Thank you. You can always stuff it up your nose even without a nosebleed, but I guess its less fun that way

  8. Love the fanned out duck breast slices!

  9. Your cookie shot is amazing, and I really love it! Well, we should be all happy we have at least one good reason to eat bacon? =)
