Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Insured taste buds

Creamed lentils with rice

Food Diary (March 20, 2012)
Breakfast: Rolled oats with pear and flax seeds
Lunch: Creamed lentils with rice
Dinner: Mushroom soup with bread
Baking/sweets: Oat cookies

Today was a really dull unproductive day, work wise. And that gets reflected in this post.

Today's Favourite Photo
Spring Flower Lollipops

Today’s Favourite Blog
Source: Independent
Keith Fisher, a butcher, has insured his taste buds for £1 million. His taste buds have been responsible for distinguishing more than 50,000 cuts and cures of bacon during a 43-year career. Mr Fisher's palate is widely considered to be the best in the business and means he can identify any variety or cure of pork in the world.

He is the fourth generation of his family to become a butcher and follows in the footsteps of his great grandfather, who was awarded his "slaughtering license for the military" by Queen Victoria.

I wonder if some of the professional food bloggers considered taking insurance.


  1. Those lollipops are really pretty to look at! They certainly brighten up any dull moments.
    Insuring tastebuds? They can do that? And they think twice before insuring me because of the things I do? Cheez. (I'm not talking about blogging here. That, they'll happily insure ... seriously low risk, unless I sprain a finger from typing).

    1. Pretty unique lollipops!
      Maybe you can try insuring your creativity, those twists and swirls:)

  2. It would be fun to dine with Keith Fisher I think! :D

    1. For sure, as long as he doesn't speak non-stop about intricate details

  3. The lollipops look amazing!
    I have already heard I think people ensuring their sense of smell. If the tastebuds are his main working "tools" then it makes sense...

    1. It certainly does make sense. I've heard of lots of different things being insured so this taste bud doesn't seem that unusual

  4. I love the lollipops. They are incredible. I would love to know how to make them. xx

    1. I don't like eating them but certainly nice to look at

  5. Haha you know, I've yet to consider insuring my taste buds...but I think it's more important for me to insure my stand mixer and oven. Those are way more crucial to the blog :P

    1. I think insuring mixer and oven could be easier, a little bit anyway

  6. Hope tomorrow will be a better day at work. :)
    The lollipops are so sweet!

  7. Your creamed lentils look delicious and it has beautiful color too! OMG... is that lollipop real? Most amazing lollipop I've seen!!!

    1. Thank you, lentils are delicious.
      That lollipop is real, and homemade, and innovative.
