Monday, April 7, 2014

Piadina and Dining Etiquette Around the World


Before I come across this recipe I didn’t know that Italians also had flatbread. Piadina or piada is a thin Italian flatbread, typically prepared in the Romagna region (Forlì-Cesena, Ravenna and Rimini). It is usually made with white flour, lard or olive oil, salt and water (source: wikipedia).

The recipe is quite simple and basic, and easy to prepare and eat! I made extras and froze them. The recipe is available here.

Today's Favourite Photo
Espresso Religieuse (Caffeinated Nuns)

Today’s Favourite Blog
Dining Etiquette Around the World. Click here for a larger image.


  1. One of my supermarkets sells refrigerated piadine all the time, but I have never bought them (I hesitate often!), but since you say it's easy to prepare at home, I won't hesitate to make them. Yours look certainly much better than the supermarket ones!
    (I wonder why they say the French don't split the bill. Of course they do! How do you do if you go out with a group of 5 friends??? Unless you are by far the richest of them all ;-) ) I agree about Japan and tips: I have never even tried doing it.).

    1. I have never seen frozen piadine. Actually I didn't know it existed before seeing this recipe! I must be living in a cave:)
      I don't have 5 friends - so no problem!!! I think bill splitting depends on where you are. In Sweden usually its split but in Kyrgyzstan its rarely split.

  2. Never heard of Piadina or Italian flat breads in general. Love these kinds of recipe and will have to give this one a try. The etiquette poster is too small, even saved I cannot big enough without it getting all fuzzy :-(
